Antigravity Developer Experience Antigravity Developer Experience Posts

Introducing Antigravity

The experience of building software is dear to me. Two decades ago, entirely by accident, I fell in love with the whole process.

In the intervening years, this love has transformed my life. It opened the doors to opportunities and friendships I never could have imagined. All the while, there were these moments of absolute magic: where the machine and I could work as one, and my creative powers exceeded my most lofty expectations. In these moments, it felt like I was flying, and all the power of automation was on my side.

I want more of these moments, and I want them for more kinds of developers. I want you to ship tools that make people feel powerful and accomplished, able to pursue their ambitions with confidence.

I want us to identify and isolate the points of friction and ambiguity that make it hard to create with software. I want you to walk away from our collaboration with greater understanding of how your tools can create success for your developers, and I want your artifacts to reflect that clarity.

I want your developers to love your tools.

So that’s how I’m going to spend my professional time: pursuing these goals with you, aligning your interests with those who apply your technology. Together, we can win more developers, creating network effects of enthusiasm that support your next stages of traction and growth.

Antigravity is the culmination of decades of experience. Not just moments of triumph, but countless moments of frustration. I can help you recognize when things aren’t making sense, and when they’re harder than they need to be. I can help you expand the scope of who benefits from your work, increasing your opportunities for traction and impact.

I’ve had to apply these skills before. At GitHub, I was responsible for devising a scalable, repeatable means of teaching hundreds of students across the country about computing and programming, through the White House initiative ConnectHome. At, I had to quickly learn how to reason, communicate and plan around its ambitious mandate: providing the friendly place where millions of developers of all experience levels can build the web. At Glitch, I got to learn from the finest minds in DX, and it was like a graduate program sharpening long-held insights into actionable strategy.

Meanwhile, I’ve done it all in a startup context: wrote 1.0 products from scratch, designed beloved interfaces and interactions, planned launches and given press briefings. In our work, I’ll be thinking through the full spectrum of functions needed to meet your goals.

So as a new technology cycle dawns, I’m here to support your dreams to redefine how people build software. I’m a beast built for startups, and seeing you change the landscape of how software gets built is my goal. I’d love to chat about how we can work together. Reach out:

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